10.2. Data Definitions for libsane

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libsane. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content. Where an interface is defined as requiring a particular system header file all of the data definitions for that system header file presented here shall be in effect.

This section gives data definitions to promote binary application portability, not to repeat source interface definitions available elsewhere. System providers and application developers should use this ABI to supplement - not to replace - source interface definition specifications.

This specification uses the ISO C (1999) C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.

10.2.1. sane/sane.h

#define sane_h
#define SANE_VERSION_CODE(major,minor,build)	( (((SANE_Word) (major) & 0xff) << 24) | (((SANE_Word) (minor) & 0xff) << 16) | (((SANE_Word) (build) & 0xffff) << 0))
#define SANE_VERSION_BUILD(code)	((((SANE_Word)(code)) >> 0) & 0xffff)
#define SANE_VERSION_MINOR(code)	((((SANE_Word)(code)) >> 16) & 0xff)
#define SANE_VERSION_MAJOR(code)	((((SANE_Word)(code)) >> 24) & 0xff)
#define SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE(cap)	(((cap) & SANE_CAP_INACTIVE) == 0)
#define SANE_OPTION_IS_SETTABLE(cap)	(((cap) & SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT) != 0)
#define SANE_UNFIX(v)	((double)(v) / (1 << SANE_FIXED_SCALE_SHIFT))
#define SANE_FIX(v)	((SANE_Word) ((v) * (1 << SANE_FIXED_SCALE_SHIFT)))
#define SANE_CAP_SOFT_SELECT	(1 << 0)
#define SANE_INFO_INEXACT	(1 << 0)
#define SANE_CAP_HARD_SELECT	(1 << 1)
#define SANE_CAP_SOFT_DETECT	(1 << 2)
#define SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS	(1 << 2)
#define SANE_CAP_EMULATED	(1 << 3)
#define SANE_CAP_AUTOMATIC	(1 << 4)
#define SANE_CAP_INACTIVE	(1 << 5)
#define SANE_CAP_ADVANCED	(1 << 6)
#define SANE_FALSE	0
#define SANE_TRUE	1

typedef unsigned char SANE_Byte;
typedef int SANE_Word;
typedef int SANE_Bool;
typedef int SANE_Int;
typedef char SANE_Char;
typedef SANE_Char *SANE_String;
typedef const SANE_Char *SANE_String_Const;
typedef void *SANE_Handle;
typedef int SANE_Fixed;
typedef enum {
} SANE_Status;
typedef enum {
} SANE_Value_Type;
typedef enum {
} SANE_Unit;
typedef struct {
    SANE_String_Const name;
    SANE_String_Const vendor;
    SANE_String_Const model;
    SANE_String_Const type;
} SANE_Device;
typedef enum {
} SANE_Constraint_Type;
typedef struct {
    SANE_Word min;
    SANE_Word max;
    SANE_Word quant;
} SANE_Range;
typedef struct {
    SANE_String_Const name;
    SANE_String_Const title;
    SANE_String_Const desc;
    SANE_Value_Type type;
    SANE_Unit unit;
    SANE_Int size;
    SANE_Int cap;
    SANE_Constraint_Type constraint_type;
    union {
	const SANE_String_Const *string_list;
	const SANE_Word *word_list;
	const SANE_Range *range;
    } constraint;
} SANE_Option_Descriptor;
typedef enum {
} SANE_Action;
typedef enum {
} SANE_Frame;
typedef struct {
    SANE_Frame format;
    SANE_Bool last_frame;
    SANE_Int bytes_per_line;
    SANE_Int pixels_per_line;
    SANE_Int lines;
    SANE_Int depth;
} SANE_Parameters;
typedef void (*SANE_Auth_Callback) (SANE_String_Const, SANE_Char *,
				    SANE_Char *);
extern void sane_cancel(SANE_Handle handle);
extern void sane_close(SANE_Handle handle);
extern SANE_Status sane_control_option(SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option,
				       SANE_Action action, void *value,
				       SANE_Int * info);
extern void sane_exit(void);
extern SANE_Status sane_get_devices(const SANE_Device * **device_list,
				    SANE_Bool local_only);
extern const SANE_Option_Descriptor *sane_get_option_descriptor(SANE_Handle
extern SANE_Status sane_get_parameters(SANE_Handle handle,
				       SANE_Parameters * params);
extern SANE_Status sane_get_select_fd(SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int * fd);
extern SANE_Status sane_init(SANE_Int * version_code,
			     SANE_Auth_Callback authorize);
extern SANE_Status sane_open(SANE_String_Const devicename,
			     SANE_Handle * handle);
extern SANE_Status sane_read(SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Byte * data,
			     SANE_Int max_length, SANE_Int * length);
extern SANE_Status sane_set_io_mode(SANE_Handle handle,
				    SANE_Bool non_blocking);
extern SANE_Status sane_start(SANE_Handle handle);
extern SANE_String_Const sane_strstatus(SANE_Status status);

10.2.2. sane/saneopts.h

#define saneopts_h
#define SANE_NAME_ADVANCED	"advanced"
#define SANE_NAME_ANALOG_GAMMA	"analog-gamma"
#define SANE_NAME_ANALOG_GAMMA_B	"analog-gamma-b"
#define SANE_NAME_ANALOG_GAMMA_BIND	"analog-gamma-bind"
#define SANE_NAME_ANALOG_GAMMA_G	"analog-gamma-g"
#define SANE_NAME_ANALOG_GAMMA_R	"analog-gamma-r"
#define SANE_NAME_BACKTRACK	"backtrack"
#define SANE_NAME_BLACK_LEVEL	"black-level"
#define SANE_NAME_GAMMA_VECTOR_B	"blue-gamma-table"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_BR_X	"br-x"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_BR_Y	"br-y"
#define SANE_NAME_BRIGHTNESS	"brightness"
#define SANE_NAME_CAL_EXPOS_TIME	"cal-exposure-time"
#define SANE_NAME_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_B	"cal-exposure-time-b"
#define SANE_NAME_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_G	"cal-exposure-time-g"
#define SANE_NAME_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_R	"cal-exposure-time-r"
#define SANE_NAME_CAL_LAMP_DEN	"cal-lamp-density"
#define SANE_NAME_CANCEL	"cancel"
#define SANE_TITLE_CANCEL	"Cancel button"
#define SANE_NAME_CONTRAST	"contrast"
#define SANE_NAME_COPY	"copy"
#define SANE_TITLE_COPY	"Copy button"
#define SANE_TITLE_COVER_OPEN	"Cover open"
#define SANE_NAME_COVER_OPEN	"cover-open"
#define SANE_NAME_CUSTOM_GAMMA	"custom-gamma"
#define SANE_NAME_BIT_DEPTH	"depth"
#define SANE_NAME_DOR	"double-res"
#define SANE_NAME_EMAIL	"email"
#define SANE_TITLE_EMAIL	"Email button"
#define SANE_NAME_ENHANCEMENT	"enhancement"
#define SANE_NAME_FAX	"fax"
#define SANE_TITLE_FAX	"Fax button"
#define SANE_NAME_FILE	"filename"
#define SANE_NAME_GAMMA_VECTOR	"gamma-table"
#define SANE_NAME_GEOMETRY	"geometry"
#define SANE_NAME_GRAIN_SIZE	"grain"
#define SANE_NAME_GAMMA_VECTOR_G	"green-gamma-table"
#define SANE_NAME_HALFTONE_PATTERN	"halftone-pattern"
#define SANE_NAME_HALFTONE_DIMENSION	"halftone-size"
#define SANE_NAME_HALFTONE	"halftoning"
#define SANE_NAME_HIGHLIGHT	"highlight"
#define SANE_NAME_HIGHLIGHT_B	"highlight-b"
#define SANE_NAME_HIGHLIGHT_G	"highlight-g"
#define SANE_NAME_HIGHLIGHT_R	"highlight-r"
#define SANE_NAME_HUE	"hue"
#define SANE_NAME_LAMP_OFF_AT_EXIT	"lamp-off-at-exit"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_MODE	"mode"
#define SANE_NAME_NEGATIVE	"negative"
#define SANE_TITLE_PAGE_LOADED	"Page loaded"
#define SANE_NAME_PAGE_HEIGHT	"page-height"
#define SANE_NAME_PAGE_LOADED	"page-loaded"
#define SANE_NAME_PAGE_WIDTH	"page-width"
#define SANE_NAME_PDF	"pdf"
#define SANE_TITLE_PDF	"PDF button"
#define SANE_NAME_PREVIEW	"preview"
#define SANE_NAME_GRAY_PREVIEW	"preview-in-gray"
#define SANE_NAME_QUALITY_CAL	"quality-cal"
#define SANE_NAME_GAMMA_VECTOR_R	"red-gamma-table"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_RESOLUTION	"resolution"
#define SANE_NAME_RESOLUTION_BIND	"resolution-bind"
#define SANE_NAME_RGB_BIND	"rgb-bind"
#define SANE_TITLE_ADVANCED	SANE_I18N("Advanced")
#define SANE_TITLE_ANALOG_GAMMA_B	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma blue")
#define SANE_TITLE_ANALOG_GAMMA	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma correction")
#define SANE_TITLE_ANALOG_GAMMA_G	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma green")
#define SANE_TITLE_ANALOG_GAMMA_R	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma red")
#define SANE_DESC_ANALOG_GAMMA_B	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma-correction for blue")
#define SANE_DESC_ANALOG_GAMMA_G	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma-correction for green")
#define SANE_DESC_ANALOG_GAMMA_R	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma-correction for red")
#define SANE_DESC_ANALOG_GAMMA	SANE_I18N("Analog gamma-correction")
#define SANE_TITLE_ANALOG_GAMMA_BIND	SANE_I18N("Bind analog gamma")
#define SANE_TITLE_RESOLUTION_BIND	SANE_I18N("Bind X and Y resolution")
#define SANE_TITLE_BIT_DEPTH	SANE_I18N("Bit depth")
#define SANE_TITLE_BLACK_LEVEL	SANE_I18N("Black level")
#define SANE_TITLE_GAMMA_VECTOR_B	SANE_I18N("Blue intensity")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_BR_X	SANE_I18N("Bottom-right x position of scan area.")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_BR_X	SANE_I18N("Bottom-right x")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_BR_Y	SANE_I18N("Bottom-right y position of scan area.")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_BR_Y	SANE_I18N("Bottom-right y")
#define SANE_TITLE_BRIGHTNESS	SANE_I18N("Brightness")
#define SANE_TITLE_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_G	SANE_I18N("Cal. exposure-time for " "green")
#define SANE_TITLE_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_B	SANE_I18N("Cal. exposure-time for blue")
#define SANE_TITLE_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_R	SANE_I18N("Cal. exposure-time for red")
#define SANE_TITLE_CAL_EXPOS_TIME	SANE_I18N("Cal. exposure-time")
#define SANE_TITLE_CAL_LAMP_DEN	SANE_I18N("Cal. lamp density")
#define SANE_DESC_CANCEL	SANE_I18N("Cancel button")
#define SANE_TITLE_CONTRAST	SANE_I18N("Contrast")
#define SANE_DESC_BRIGHTNESS	SANE_I18N("Controls the brightness of the acquired image.")
#define SANE_DESC_CONTRAST	SANE_I18N("Controls the contrast of the acquired image.")
#define SANE_DESC_HUE	SANE_I18N("Controls the \"hue\" (blue-level) of the acquired image.")
#define SANE_DESC_BACKTRACK	SANE_I18N("Controls whether backtracking is forced.")
#define SANE_DESC_COPY	SANE_I18N("Copy button")
#define SANE_DESC_COVER_OPEN	SANE_I18N("Cover open")
#define SANE_DESC_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_B	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for blue calibration")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_B	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for blue scan")
#define SANE_DESC_CAL_EXPOS_TIME	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for calibration")
#define SANE_DESC_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_G	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for green calibration")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_G	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for green scan")
#define SANE_DESC_CAL_EXPOS_TIME_R	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for red calibration")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_R	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for red scan")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME	SANE_I18N("Define exposure-time for scan")
#define SANE_DESC_CAL_LAMP_DEN	SANE_I18N("Define lamp density for calibration")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_LAMP_DEN	SANE_I18N("Define lamp density for scan")
#define SANE_DESC_HALFTONE_PATTERN	SANE_I18N("Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning " "halftoned images.")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_SPEED	SANE_I18N("Determines the speed at which the scan proceeds.")
#define SANE_DESC_CUSTOM_GAMMA	SANE_I18N("Determines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be " "used.")
#define SANE_DESC_QUALITY_CAL	SANE_I18N("Do a quality white-calibration")
#define SANE_TITLE_DOR	SANE_I18N("Double Optical Resolution")
#define SANE_DESC_EMAIL	SANE_I18N("Email button")
#define SANE_DESC_SELECT_EXPOSURE_TIME	SANE_I18N("Enable selection of exposure-time")
#define SANE_DESC_SELECT_LAMP_DENSITY	SANE_I18N("Enable selection of lamp density")
#define SANE_TITLE_ENHANCEMENT	SANE_I18N("Enhancement")
#define SANE_DESC_FAX	SANE_I18N("Fax button")
#define SANE_TITLE_FILE	SANE_I18N("Filename")
#define SANE_TITLE_BACKTRACK	SANE_I18N("Force backtracking")
#define SANE_TITLE_GRAY_PREVIEW	SANE_I18N("Force monochrome preview")
#define SANE_DESC_GAMMA_VECTOR_B	SANE_I18N("Gamma-correction table for the blue band.")
#define SANE_DESC_GAMMA_VECTOR_G	SANE_I18N("Gamma-correction table for the green band.")
#define SANE_DESC_GAMMA_VECTOR_R	SANE_I18N("Gamma-correction table for the red band.")
#define SANE_DESC_GAMMA_VECTOR	SANE_I18N("Gamma-correction table.  In color mode this option equally " "affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an " "intensity gamma table).")
#define SANE_TITLE_GEOMETRY	SANE_I18N("Geometry")
#define SANE_TITLE_GRAIN_SIZE	SANE_I18N("Grain size")
#define SANE_TITLE_GAMMA_VECTOR_G	SANE_I18N("Green intensity")
#define SANE_TITLE_HALFTONE_DIMENSION	SANE_I18N("Halftone pattern size")
#define SANE_TITLE_HALFTONE_PATTERN	SANE_I18N("Halftone pattern")
#define SANE_TITLE_HALFTONE	SANE_I18N("Halftoning")
#define SANE_DESC_ADVANCED	SANE_I18N("Hardware specific options")
#define SANE_TITLE_HIGHLIGHT_B	SANE_I18N("Highlight for blue")
#define SANE_TITLE_HIGHLIGHT_G	SANE_I18N("Highlight for green")
#define SANE_TITLE_HIGHLIGHT_R	SANE_I18N("Highlight for red")
#define SANE_TITLE_HIGHLIGHT	SANE_I18N("Highlight")
#define SANE_TITLE_HUE	SANE_I18N("Hue")
#define SANE_TITLE_GAMMA_VECTOR	SANE_I18N("Image intensity")
#define SANE_DESC_ENHANCEMENT	SANE_I18N("Image modification options")
#define SANE_DESC_ANALOG_GAMMA_BIND	SANE_I18N("In RGB-mode use same values for each color")
#define SANE_DESC_RGB_BIND	SANE_I18N("In RGB-mode use same values for each color")
#define SANE_TITLE_LAMP_OFF_AT_EXIT	SANE_I18N("Lamp off at exit")
#define SANE_TITLE_NEGATIVE	SANE_I18N("Negative")
#define SANE_DESC_BIT_DEPTH	SANE_I18N("Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for \"line-art\" " "and 8 for multibit scans.")
#define SANE_TITLE_NUM_OPTIONS	SANE_I18N("Number of options")
#define SANE_TITLE_PAGE_HEIGHT	SANE_I18N("Page height")
#define SANE_DESC_PAGE_LOADED	SANE_I18N("Page loaded")
#define SANE_TITLE_PAGE_WIDTH	SANE_I18N("Page width")
#define SANE_DESC_PDF	SANE_I18N("PDF button")
#define SANE_TITLE_PREVIEW	SANE_I18N("Preview")
#define SANE_TITLE_QUALITY_CAL	SANE_I18N("Quality calibration")
#define SANE_DESC_NUM_OPTIONS	SANE_I18N("Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific " "devices supports.")
#define SANE_TITLE_GAMMA_VECTOR_R	SANE_I18N("Red intensity")
#define SANE_DESC_PREVIEW	SANE_I18N("Request a preview-quality scan.")
#define SANE_DESC_GRAY_PREVIEW	SANE_I18N("Request that all previews are done in monochrome mode.  On a " "three-pass scanner this cuts down the number of passes to one and on a " "one-pass scanner, it reduces the memory requirements and scan-time of the " "preview.")
#define SANE_TITLE_SATURATION	SANE_I18N("Saturation")
#define SANE_DESC_GEOMETRY	SANE_I18N("Scan area and media size options")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN	SANE_I18N("Scan button")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_G	SANE_I18N("Scan exposure-time for " "green")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_B	SANE_I18N("Scan exposure-time for blue")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_R	SANE_I18N("Scan exposure-time for red")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME	SANE_I18N("Scan exposure-time")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_LAMP_DEN	SANE_I18N("Scan lamp density")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_MODE	SANE_I18N("Scan mode")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_RESOLUTION	SANE_I18N("Scan resolution")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_SOURCE	SANE_I18N("Scan source")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_SPEED	SANE_I18N("Scan speed")
#define SANE_DESC_SENSORS	SANE_I18N("Scanner sensors and buttons")
#define SANE_DESC_THRESHOLD	SANE_I18N("Select minimum-brightness to get a white point")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_MODE	SANE_I18N("Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_SOURCE	SANE_I18N("Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).")
#define SANE_DESC_GRAIN_SIZE	SANE_I18N("Selects the \"graininess\" of the acquired image.  Smaller values " "result in sharper images.")
#define SANE_DESC_SHADOW_B	SANE_I18N("Selects what blue radiance level should be considered \"black\".")
#define SANE_DESC_HIGHLIGHT_B	SANE_I18N("Selects what blue radiance level should be considered \"full " "blue\".")
#define SANE_DESC_WHITE_LEVEL_B	SANE_I18N("Selects what blue radiance level should be considered \"white\".")
#define SANE_DESC_SHADOW_G	SANE_I18N("Selects what green radiance level should be considered \"black\".")
#define SANE_DESC_HIGHLIGHT_G	SANE_I18N("Selects what green radiance level should be considered \"full " "green\".")
#define SANE_DESC_WHITE_LEVEL_G	SANE_I18N("Selects what green radiance level should be considered \"white\".")
#define SANE_DESC_BLACK_LEVEL	SANE_I18N("Selects what radiance level should be considered \"black\".")
#define SANE_DESC_SHADOW	SANE_I18N("Selects what radiance level should be considered \"black\".")
#define SANE_DESC_HIGHLIGHT	SANE_I18N("Selects what radiance level should be considered \"white\".")
#define SANE_DESC_WHITE_LEVEL	SANE_I18N("Selects what radiance level should be considered \"white\".")
#define SANE_DESC_SHADOW_R	SANE_I18N("Selects what red radiance level should be considered \"black\".")
#define SANE_DESC_HIGHLIGHT_R	SANE_I18N("Selects what red radiance level should be considered \"full red\".")
#define SANE_DESC_WHITE_LEVEL_R	SANE_I18N("Selects what red radiance level should be considered \"white\".")
#define SANE_DESC_HALFTONE	SANE_I18N("Selects whether the acquired image should be halftoned (dithered).")
#define SANE_TITLE_SENSORS	SANE_I18N("Sensors")
#define SANE_TITLE_SELECT_EXPOSURE_TIME	SANE_I18N("Set exposure-time")
#define SANE_TITLE_SELECT_LAMP_DENSITY	SANE_I18N("Set lamp density")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_X_RESOLUTION	SANE_I18N("Sets the horizontal resolution of the scanned image.")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_RESOLUTION	SANE_I18N("Sets the resolution of the scanned image.")
#define SANE_DESC_HALFTONE_DIMENSION	SANE_I18N("Sets the size of the halftoning (dithering) pattern used when " "scanning halftoned images.")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_Y_RESOLUTION	SANE_I18N("Sets the vertical resolution of the scanned image.")
#define SANE_TITLE_SHADOW_B	SANE_I18N("Shadow for blue")
#define SANE_TITLE_SHADOW_G	SANE_I18N("Shadow for green")
#define SANE_TITLE_SHADOW_R	SANE_I18N("Shadow for red")
#define SANE_TITLE_SHADOW	SANE_I18N("Shadow")
#define SANE_DESC_STANDARD	SANE_I18N("Source, mode and resolution options")
#define SANE_DESC_PAGE_HEIGHT	SANE_I18N("Specifies the height of the media.")
#define SANE_DESC_PAGE_WIDTH	SANE_I18N("Specifies the width of the media.  Required for automatic " "centering of sheet-fed scans.")
#define SANE_TITLE_STANDARD	SANE_I18N("Standard")
#define SANE_DESC_NEGATIVE	SANE_I18N("Swap black and white")
#define SANE_DESC_FILE	SANE_I18N("The filename of the image to be loaded.")
#define SANE_DESC_SATURATION	SANE_I18N("The saturation level controls the amount of \"blooming\" that " "occurs when acquiring an image with a camera. Larger values cause more " "blooming.")
#define SANE_TITLE_THRESHOLD	SANE_I18N("Threshold")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_TL_X	SANE_I18N("Top-left x position of scan area.")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_TL_X	SANE_I18N("Top-left x")
#define SANE_DESC_SCAN_TL_Y	SANE_I18N("Top-left y position of scan area.")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_TL_Y	SANE_I18N("Top-left y")
#define SANE_DESC_LAMP_OFF_AT_EXIT	SANE_I18N("Turn off lamp when program exits")
#define SANE_TITLE_CUSTOM_GAMMA	SANE_I18N("Use custom gamma table")
#define SANE_DESC_DOR	SANE_I18N("Use lens that doubles optical resolution")
#define SANE_DESC_RESOLUTION_BIND	SANE_I18N("Use same values for X and Y resolution")
#define SANE_DESC_WARMUP	SANE_I18N("Warmup lamp before scanning")
#define SANE_TITLE_WARMUP	SANE_I18N("Warmup lamp")
#define SANE_TITLE_WHITE_LEVEL_B	SANE_I18N("White level for blue")
#define SANE_TITLE_WHITE_LEVEL_G	SANE_I18N("White level for green")
#define SANE_TITLE_WHITE_LEVEL_R	SANE_I18N("White level for red")
#define SANE_TITLE_WHITE_LEVEL	SANE_I18N("White level")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_X_RESOLUTION	SANE_I18N("X-resolution")
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN_Y_RESOLUTION	SANE_I18N("Y-resolution")
#define SANE_NAME_SATURATION	"saturation"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN	"scan"
#define SANE_TITLE_SCAN	"Scan button"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME	"scan-exposure-time"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_B	"scan-exposure-time-b"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_G	"scan-exposure-time-g"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_EXPOS_TIME_R	"scan-exposure-time-r"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_LAMP_DEN	"scan-lamp-density"
#define SANE_NAME_SELECT_EXPOSURE_TIME	"select-exposure-time"
#define SANE_NAME_SELECT_LAMP_DENSITY	"select-lamp-density"
#define SANE_NAME_SENSORS	"sensors"
#define SANE_NAME_SHADOW	"shadow"
#define SANE_NAME_SHADOW_B	"shadow-b"
#define SANE_NAME_SHADOW_G	"shadow-g"
#define SANE_NAME_SHADOW_R	"shadow-r"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_SOURCE	"source"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_SPEED	"speed"
#define SANE_NAME_STANDARD	"standard"
#define SANE_I18N(text)	text
#define SANE_NAME_THRESHOLD	"threshold"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_TL_X	"tl-x"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_TL_Y	"tl-y"
#define SANE_NAME_WARMUP	"warmup"
#define SANE_NAME_WHITE_LEVEL	"white-level"
#define SANE_NAME_WHITE_LEVEL_B	"white-level-b"
#define SANE_NAME_WHITE_LEVEL_G	"white-level-g"
#define SANE_NAME_WHITE_LEVEL_R	"white-level-r"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_X_RESOLUTION	"x-resolution"
#define SANE_NAME_SCAN_Y_RESOLUTION	"y-resolution"