17.4. Interface Definitions for libQtCore

Table of Contents
_Z5qFreePv -- free the memory space
_Z7qgetenvPKc -- get value of an environment variable
_ZN11QMetaObject7connectEPK7QObjectiS2_iiPi -- connect signals
_ZN16QCoreApplication10unixSignalEi -- emit a signal whenever a Unix signal is received
_ZN4QDir21nameFiltersFromStringERK7QString -- retrieve a list of name filters from the given
_ZN7QString4freeEPNS_4DataE -- free the memory space
_ZN9QHashData12allocateNodeEv -- allocate memory for the node
_ZN9QHashData8freeNodeEPv -- free the memory occupied by the node
_ZN9QMetaType12registerTypeEPKcPFvPvEPFS2_PKvE -- register a user type for marshalling
_ZNK11QMetaObject4castEP7QObject -- check if an object inherits from the meta-object
_ZNK13QMetaProperty12hasStdCppSetEv -- check if a property follows "name" / "ssetName" pattern
_ZNK21QPersistentModelIndex10internalIdEv -- get the id used to associate the index with the internal data structure
_ZNK21QPersistentModelIndex15internalPointerEv -- get the pointer used to associate the index with the internal data structure
_ZNK4QUrlltERKS_ -- compare URLs
_ZNK5QFile10fileEngineEv -- get the QIOEngine for this QFile object
QUuid::operator > -- UUID greater-than comparison operator
QUuid::operator < -- UUID less-than comparison operator
_ZNK7QObject9queryListEPKcS1_bb -- searche the children and optionally grandchildren of the object

The interfaces defined on the following pages are included in libQtCore and are defined by this specification. Unless otherwise noted, these interfaces shall be included in the source standard.

Other interfaces listed in Section 17.2 shall behave as described in the referenced base document.