

lsb_release -- print distribution specific information


lsb_release [OPTION]...


The lsb_release command prints certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and Distribution information.

With no option, same as -v.


-v, --version

displays version of LSB against which distribution is compliant. The version is expressed as a colon seperated list of LSB module descriptions. LSB module descriptions are dash seperated tuples containing the module name, version, and architecture name. The output is a single line of text of the following format:

LSB Version:\t<ListAsDescribedAbove>

-i, --id

displays string id of distributor. The output is a single line of text of the following format:

Distributor ID:\t<DistributorID>

-d, --description

displays single line text description of distribution. The output is of the following format:


-r, --release

displays release number of distribution. The output is a single line of text of the following format:


-c, --codename

displays codename according to distribution release. The output is a single line of text of the following format.


-a, --all

displays all of the above information.

-s, --short

displays all of the above information in short output format.

-h, --help

displays a human-readable help message.


The following command will list the LSB Profiles which are currently supported on this platform.

example% lsb_release -v
LSB Version: core-2.0-ia32:graphics-2.0-ia32