Data Definitions for libXt

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libXt. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content.

These definitions are intended to supplement those provided in the referenced underlying specifications.

This specification uses ISO/IEC 9899 C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.


typedef Cardinal (*XtOrderProc) (Widget child);
typedef void (*XtDoChangeProc) (Widget composite_parent,
				WidgetList unmanage_children,
				Cardinal * num_unmanage_children,
				WidgetList manage_children,
				Cardinal * num_manage_children,
				XtPointer client_data);


#define XtInheritGeometryManager	((XtGeometryHandler) _XtInherit)
#define XtInheritDeleteChild	((XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtInheritInsertChild	((XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtCompositeExtensionVersion	2L

typedef struct _CompositeClassPart CompositeClassPart;

typedef struct _CompositeClassRec CompositeClassRec;


#define XtConstraintExtensionVersion	1L

typedef struct _ConstraintPart ConstraintPart;
typedef struct _ConstraintClassPart ConstraintClassPart;
typedef struct _ConstraintClassRec
  CoreClassPart core_class;
  CompositeClassPart composite_class;
  ConstraintClassPart constraint_class;


typedef struct _ConstraintClassRec *ConstraintWidgetClass;


typedef struct _WidgetRec *Widget;
typedef Widget *WidgetList;
typedef struct _WidgetClassRec *WidgetClass;
typedef struct _CompositeRec *CompositeWidget;
typedef struct _XtActionsRec *XtActionList;
typedef struct _XtEventRec *XtEventTable;
typedef struct _XtAppStruct *XtAppContext;
typedef unsigned long XtValueMask;
typedef unsigned long XtIntervalId;
typedef unsigned long XtInputId;
typedef unsigned long XtSignalId;
typedef unsigned int XtGeometryMask;
typedef unsigned long XtGCMask;
typedef unsigned long Pixel;
typedef int XtCacheType;
typedef char Boolean;
typedef long XtArgVal;
typedef unsigned char XtEnum;
typedef unsigned int Cardinal;
typedef unsigned short Dimension;
typedef short Position;
typedef void *XtPointer;
typedef XtPointer Opaque;


#define XtInheritAllocate	((XtAllocateProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtInheritDeallocate	((XtDeallocateProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtObjectExtensionVersion	1L

typedef struct _ObjectPart
  Widget self;
  WidgetClass widget_class;
  Widget parent;
  XrmName xrm_name;
  Boolean being_destroyed;
  XtCallbackList destroy_callbacks;
  XtPointer constraints;

typedef struct _ObjectRec
  ObjectPart object;

typedef struct _ObjectClassPart
  WidgetClass superclass;
  String class_name;
  Cardinal widget_size;
  XtProc class_initialize;
  XtWidgetClassProc class_part_initialize;
  XtEnum class_inited;
  XtInitProc initialize;
  XtArgsProc initialize_hook;
  XtProc obj1;
  XtProc obj2;
  XtProc obj3;
  XtResourceList resources;
  Cardinal num_resources;
  XrmClass xrm_class;
  Boolean obj4;
  XtEnum obj5;
  Boolean obj6;
  Boolean obj7;
  XtWidgetProc destroy;
  XtProc obj8;
  XtProc obj9;
  XtSetValuesFunc set_values;
  XtArgsFunc set_values_hook;
  XtProc obj10;
  XtArgsProc get_values_hook;
  XtProc obj11;
  XtVersionType version;
  XtPointer callback_private;
  String obj12;
  XtProc obj13;
  XtProc obj14;
  XtPointer extension;

  XtPointer next_extension;
  XrmQuark record_type;
  long version;
  Cardinal record_size;
  XtAllocateProc allocate;
  XtDeallocateProc deallocate;

typedef struct
  XtPointer next_extension;
  XrmQuark record_type;
  long version;
  Cardinal record_size;
  XtAllocateProc allocate;
  XtDeallocateProc deallocate;
typedef struct
  XtPointer next_extension;
  XrmQuark record_type;
  long version;
  Cardinal record_size;
  XtAllocateProc allocate;
  XtDeallocateProc deallocate;

typedef struct _ObjectClassRec
  ObjectClassPart object_class;