Because there is no consistent packaging naming amongst the various Linux distributions, it is necessary for LSB conformant packages to adhere the following naming rules to avoid conflicts with packages provided by the distributions.
All LSB package names must begin with the prefix "lsb-" to avoid conflicting with existing packages used by Linux distributions.
If the package name contains only one hyphen (including the one in the "lsb-" prefix) then the package name must be assigned by the Linux Assigned Names and Numbers Authority (LANANA), which shall maintain a registry of LSB names.
If the package name contains more than one hyphen (i.e., "" or "lsb-gnome-gnumeric"), then the portion of the package name between first and second hyphens must either be an LSB provider name assigned by the LANANA, or it may be owners' DNS name in lower case, with at least one '.'. I.e., "", "", etc. The LSB provider name assigned by LANANA must only consist of the ASCII characters [a-z0-9].